Hindi as a subject for Fijian schools

Rohitash Chandra, UNSW Sydney, February 2020

Hindi is one of the many official languages of India but spoken by the majority of Indians. More than 500 million Hindi (with Urdu) speakers as the first language [1] and probably another 500 million a second language, hence in my estimate, more than a billion people speak Hindi [*]. Only in Tamil Nadu which is a state with 60 million people, politicians are against Hindi [2], while the rest of India takes Hindi either as a first or second language. The Indian government tried to make Hindi the national language of India but facing difficulties [3].

A major limitation is that Fiji Hindi does not have enough books to be taught as a language, nor do teachers have qualifications, such as Bachelor of Education in Fiji Hindi (they do have Hindi major in Bachelor of Education). In my view, there are a number of inconsistencies and it cannot be considered as a full academic language; however, there has been research done to document Fiji Hindi, grammar and a lot of effort has been done by a limited number of academics [4]Nobody suggests that Fiji Hindi should not be recognised or not spoken. Pure or Sudh Hindi should be the main language as a subject in Fiji schools, and Fiji Hindi can be part of it. Fiji Hindi is needed, especially in the case of teaching a spoken language to indigenous (iTaukei, Rotuman) or Chinese students, who also attend Indian or Hindu schools.

Fijian government tried to implement Hindi and iTaukei language as separate mandatory subjects in all schools but failed since they don’t have enough Hindi and iTaukei teachers. Fiji Hindi does not exist as an academic language to teach, its a spoken language and will remain so unless there is a massive literature (novels, newspaper, etc) and research in Fiji Hindi. One way ahead in recruiting teachers would be to increase the pay scale for Hindi and iTaukei teachers, and then you will have more graduates in these subjects.I am aware that there is some work done in terms of linguistics and structure of Fiji Hindi, but there are limited literature and not much advantage in making it a written language in terms of using it for global communication with Indians worldwide. The matter is not about whether Fiji Hindi has a structure or not, but about teaching it in schools and implications of it, especially for Hinduism — as there is no Hindu text in Fiji Hindi. Everyone has an opinion about it, and we must listen to all groups, not just a single group of academics.

As for sacred Hindu texts, there exist translations in my languages including English [5]. I as a Fiji Indian do study the Bhagwad Gita in English apart from Hindi since at times some Hindi terms is a bit too hard to get as I have not done enough Hindi classes in secondary school. You can translate Bhagawad Gita in Fiji Hindi and other texts as well, but they will lose the essence. Especially in case of the Ramayana [6], since its a poem which is sung as Kirtans in weekly Ramayana events by Hindus. Note that the Hindi version of Ramayana, known as the Ramcharitmanas [7] is not a translation, but a poetic depiction of Ramayana from Sanskrit in Hindi by Tulsi Das [8]. It loses its essence when translated in English and will also do when translated in Fiji Hindi. Moreover, Ramayana and Gita in Fiji Hindi will not sound formal and will not be taken seriously and this is why most Hindu organisations are against it.

I believe that Hindi as a subject should be amended a bit to incorporate Fiji Hindi. Fiji Hindi is a spoken language, it does not have enough literature nor research to be taught as a language on its own. I think Hindi classes can incorporate Fiji Hindi with examples about spoken and written Fiji Hindi, and a nationwide curriculum can be developed irrespective of ethnicity and religion. I think all Fiji students should take Hindi and iTaukei languages in schools just as they take English and mathematics. This will help in Fijian reconciliation and unity. Those that have missed can easily take them as electives at the university level. Universities can provide iTaukei and Hindi as general subjects. There is no use in doing mandatory courses in the university such as Pacific philosophy and consciousness etc when you don’t understand Hindi and iTaukei languages and respective cultures.

Apart from Hindi, the government should provide funds for Telugu, Punjabi, Tamil and Bengali languages to be part of possible degrees that study Indian culture and diaspora. Furthermore, other Pacific languages, such as Rotuman, Samoan, Tongan and Chinese languages such as Mandarin and Cantonese need to be taught at the university level for possible teaching in primary and secondary schools.

Hindi is the language of the future for Indians and for the world!


  1. The world’s languages, in 7 maps and charts: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/04/23/the-worlds-languages-in-7-maps-and-charts/
  2. No compulsory Hindi in India schools after Tamil Nadu anger: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-48495482
  3. Lakhan Gusain, “The Effectiveness of Establishing Hindi as a National Language”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 13(1), 2012, pp. 43–50
  4. Moag, Rodney F, “Fiji Hindi: a basic course and reference grammar”, Australian National University Press in collaboration with University of the South Pacific, 1977: https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/115135
  5. Religion: Hindu Sacred Texts in English Translation: https://libguides.princeton.edu/c.php?g=84032&p=545712
  6. Quick guide to the Ramayana: https://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/whatson/exhibitions/ramayana/guide.html
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramcharitmanas
  8. https://medium.com/@ashishgupta_5977/11-differences-between-ramayana-and-ramcharitmanas-you-must-know-9249c105cd17

[*] This is just an estimate, the exact numbers would be given after 2021 Indian census.

Disclaimer: The comments expressed by the author do not reflect the stand of his institution.

Neural Networks: Fundamentals and Applications

A practical introduction to neural networks with hands-on experience.  

Delivery: Delivered from 13th June 2017 for 10 weeks. (2-hour Lecture and 1-hour hands-on tutorial per week).

Coordinator and Instructor: Dr. Rohitash Chandra (Research Fellow @CTDS UniSyd).  Research interests in machine learning and neural networks.

Infor: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rohitash_Chandra


Tutor: Mr. Rafael Possas, Research Engineer, Sydney Informatics Hub (2017)

Guest Speakers: TBA

Duration: This will be a 10 weeks course

Programming Language: The course will use Python as the main language. C++ will be used as an additional programming language.

Assignments: Assignments can be done in any language of choice by the participant.

Location: Rm 538, Centre for Translational Data Science (CDTS),  5th Floor, School of Information TechnologiesBuildingg (J12), The University of Sydney, 1 Cleveland Street, NSW 2006.

Contact: rohitash.chandra (at) sydney.edu.au

Disclaimer: The course is not accredited towards any of the programmes at the University of Sydney. There will be no certificates issued upon completion of the course.

  • Feedforward Neural Networks
  • Backpropagation and Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
  • Bayesian Neural Networks (with MCMC and SGD)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
  • Neuroevolution (Coevolution and Direct Neuro-evolution)
  • Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Multi-task learning and Transfer Learning
  • Ensemble learning and Hybrid Methods
  • Modular Neural Networks

Applications: Pattern Classification, Time Series Prediction, and Computer Vision

  • Implement simple neural network architectures from scratch (without relying on machine learning libraries)
  • Develop rich applications using neural networks that involve real world problems
  • Become ready to work and contribute to challenging problems that arise in training and representation of knowledge in different neural network architectures.

Key Resource – Code



If you are not familiar with Python, please take some time to get to know the basics. We will also use iPython notebook and



As long as you have knowledge of some basic programming, you will be fine.



WEEK 1: Intro

Introduction to neural network fundamentals to the audience with no background in machine learning or data science.

Lecture Notes:

Textbook: Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill, 1997.

Neural Networks Chapter 4: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/theo-20/www/mlbook/ch4.pdf

Chapter 2: Concept Learning: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/theo-20/www/mlbook/ch2.pdf  

Other References:

Overview of Artificial Neural Networks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_neural_network

Backpropagation Algorithm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backpropagation

Tutorial for Python: http://machinelearningmastery.com/implement-backpropagation-algorithm-scratch-python/

Code: https://github.com/rohitash-chandra/NeuralNetworksCourse_CTDS/tree/master/week1

Neural Networks by Prof. Hinton


Assignment 1

Choose either Option I or Option II, or tackle both.

Group: 1 – 4 members.

Deadline: Begining of Week 3 of the course.

Option I: Fundamentals

  1. Extend the basic FNN python code (fnn_v1.py, fnn_v2.py or fnn.v3.py)  to include an additional hidden layer and compare the performance with original FNN with a single hidden layer. Carry out 30 experimental runs and report the mean and std or training and test datasets.
  2. Extend your further so that it can be generalized for any number of hidden layers. Run experiences to see the effect from 1 – 5 hidden layers.
  3. Experiment on different combinations of hidden layers and neurons for each hidden layer.
  4. Select 5 other problems from UCI Machine Learning Repository and apply the method.
  5. Apply the strategy used in (2 and 3) for chaotic time series problems that include Sunspot, Lazer, Mackey-Glass and Lorenz problems (Discussed in Week 2).

Option II: Application

  1. Extend the application FNN code in Keras for additional number of hidden layers as given in Option I
  2. Apply FNN in Keras for chaotic time series problems (Discussed in week 2)


  1. Present your results in a Technical Report and discuss your major findings for the different problems ( 10  min presentation per group will be organized).
  2. Submission: email pdf of the technical report to rohitash.chandra@sydney.edu.au
  3. Deadline: 26th June 2017.
  4. Best code will become part of the solution set for the course.

WEEK 2: NNs – Cont.


Neural Networks Chapter 4: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/theo-20/www/mlbook/ch4.pdf

Background on Differentiation and Chain Rule (Gradient Descent):

  1. Basics Chain Rule: https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~kouba/CalcOneDIRECTORY/chainruledirectory/ChainRule.html
  2. Basics Chain Rule: http://www.sosmath.com/calculus/diff/der04/der04.html
  3. Sigmoid differentiation: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/78575/derivative-of-sigmoid-function-sigma-x-frac11e-x

Why Bias?

  1. https://www.quora.com/What-is-bias-in-artificial-neural-network
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2480650/role-of-bias-in-neural-networks




WEEK 3:  Bayesian Neural networks




MCMC basics

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain_Monte_Carlo
  2. http://twiecki.github.io/blog/2015/11/10/mcmc-sampling/

Bayesian Neural Networks

Bayesian Neural Network Libraries:

  1. PyMC3: http://twiecki.github.io/blog/2016/06/01/bayesian-deep-learning/
  2. Edward: http://edwardlib.org/tutorials/bayesian-neural-network


Assignment 2

Option 1: Fundamentals

  1. Extend FNN Python code and into a Recurrent Neural Network. You can use a reference to C++ Elman RNN code discussed in class. Implement BPTT for Python RNN.
  2. Use time series prediction problems and Tomita Grammer (Chandra, 2011 Neurocomputing paper) problem to test your RNN
  3. Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks: Use MCMC for training RNNs

Option 2: Applications

  1. Implement a simple (Elman)  RNN from any existing libraries (Keras preferred) for time series prediction.
  2. Use Keras implementation for RNN for any other problem of your choice (Speech, signature, or NLP)


  1. http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/51language/
  2. http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/regular-languages-and-finite-automata-gq/
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21897554/design-dfa-accepting-binary-strings-divisible-by-a-number-n



  1. Recurrent Neural Networks: Scholarpedia
  2. RNNs (wiki)
  3. RNN tutorial at WildML
  4. Tutorial on Backpropagation Through Time – Towards LSTM
  5. RNN on TensorFLow Tutorial


  1. Research on RNNs by J. Schmidhuber
  2. Alex Graves PhD thesis

Code: https://github.com/rohitash-chandra/NeuralNetworksCourse_CTDS/tree/master/week4


RNN for Binary Addition by Hinton



Keras RNNs https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=4rG8IsKdC3U

Assignment 3

Option 1: Fundamentals

  1. Extend FNN Python code and into a Recurrent Neural Network. You can use a reference to C++ Elman RNN code discussed in class. Implement BPTT for Python RNN.
  2. Use time series prediction problems and Tomita Grammer (Chandra, 2011 Neurocomputing paper) problem to test your RNN
  3. Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks: Use MCMC for training RNNs

Option 2: Applications

  1. Implement a simple (Elman)  RNN from any existing libraries (Keras preferred) for time series prediction.
  2. Use Keras implementation for RNN for any other problem of your choice (Speech, signature, or NLP)


  1. http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/51language/
  2. http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/regular-languages-and-finite-automata-gq/
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21897554/design-dfa-accepting-binary-strings-divisible-by-a-number-n



Original LSTM presentation, code, and examples: http://people.idsia.ch/~juergen/lstm/


  1. LSTM tutorial
  2. GRU tutorial at WildML

Lecture notes

  1. Stanford CS224 Lecture
  2. Toronto Lecture by Hinton
  3. Oxford Uni Lecture

Code and Examples

  1. Original LSTM code and tutorial: http://people.idsia.ch/~juergen/lstm/
  2. Code from GRU tutorial: https://github.com/dennybritz/rnn-tutorial-gru-lstm/blob/master/gru_theano.py
  3. Sentiment analysis example: http://deeplearning.net/tutorial/lstm.html
  4. Video tutorial with code: https://pythonprogramming.net/recurrent-neural-network-rnn-lstm-machine-learning-tutorial/


Basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1145&v=Ukgii7Yd_cU

LSTM by Hinton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsV5rFbs-K0

LSTM for Time Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2np77NOdnwk

RNN for Language Modelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Keqep_PKrY8

Week 6:  CNNs


Lecture notes

  1. http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/pub/Public/Turner/Teaching/ml-lecture-3-slides.pdf
  2. http://www.cs.umd.edu/~djacobs/CMSC733/CNN.pdf
  3. http://davidstutz.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/seminar.pdf


Assignment 4

  1. Use Keras for LSTM implementation for any selected pattern recognition, time series or classification problems that involve long term-dependencies. Language models could be also considered.
  2. Use Keras for CNN implementation for any selected datasets that involve, face, object and gesture recognition.
  3. Highlight an application when it’s necessary to have a combination of LSTMs and CNN’s and discuss implementation issues.

Week 7: Neuro-evolution


  1. MIT Lecture on Genetic Alg
  2. Evolutionary Algorithms: Theory and App


  1. NEAT tutorial
  2. NEAT in Python at Github


Week 8: Ensemble learning


  1. Ensemble Learning
  2. Ensemble Learning at Cornell
  3. Ensemble at UNSW
  4. Scholarpedia on Ensemble Learning




Week 9: MTL and Transfer Learning


  1. Multi-task Learning for CNNs
  2. MT learning at UCL
  3. MT learning lecture
  4. MT learning



Week 10: Modular NNs


Stony Brooks Uni on Modular Networks



Extra : Deep Belief Nets

Research Project

  1. Choose a topic and develop a proposal
  2. Week 9: present research proposal
  3. Week 10 – week 14: work on Project
  4. Week 15: Demonstration of Results and  Software
  5. Week 16 – 18: Work on research paper

Option1: Neurocomputing methodologies

  1. Langevin Dynamics Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks for Multi-Step-Ahead Time Series Prediction (ref: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.02798.pdf . http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925231217303892)
  2. Multi-Task Ensemble Stacking of Bayesian Neural Networks for Cyclone Track and Intensity Prediction
  3. Multi-Task Stacking of CNNs for Unconstrained  Mobile Face Recognition (ref: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1568494616306603)
  4. Multi-task modular neural networks for “missing values” in classification problems
  5. Approximate Bayesian computation framework for neuro-evolution

Option 2: Neurocomputing applications

  1. Langevin dynamics via  Bayesian Neural Networks for Cyclone Track Prediction (ref: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7727839/)
  2. Bayesian multi-task learning for cyclone track and path prediction

Option 3: Others

  • Any idea or application of your choice

Additional Resources

Additional research papers: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4ol9jtbox30r4tp/AAD1tiQdxniKVTQ4DaWSq1DPa?dl=0

furthermore: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/72cktrpsnug3736/AAC0mTvic8qyjWE12InUL56Fa?dl=0

Other related courses:

CS7792 Counterfactual Machine Learning , T. Joachims, Cornell University http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs7792/2016fa/

CS 294 Deep Reinforcement Learning, Spring 2017 http://rll.berkeley.edu/deeprlcourse/

CS287 Fall 2015 https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~pabbeel/cs287-fa15/

CS 323 – Automated Reasoning https://cs.stanford.edu/~ermon/cs323/index.html

CS 159: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning: Structured Prediction https://taehwanptl.github.io/

CSE 599 D1: Advanced Natural Language Processing http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse599d1/16sp/syllabus.html

SURVEYS: https://github.com/metrofun/machine-learning-surveys

my Netflix list

Here is my Netflix list of international movies and series – keeping in mind those not heard of and those with good art and drama. Those below 7/10 not listed.

Indian Movies (Hindi)

  1. Highway (8/10)
  2. Delhi in a day (7/10)
  3. Beyond the Clouds (7.5/10)
  4. Masaan   (10/10)
  5. Chittagong  (8/10)
  6. Peepli Live (9/10)
  7. Shahid ( Best Actor – Rajkumar Rao, National Film Awards) (10/10)
  8. Love per Square Feet   (7/10)
  9. Love and Shukla (9/10)
  10. Parmanu (8/10
  11. Swades (10/10)
  12. Queen (10/10)
  13. Lust Stories (7/10)
  14. Dangal (10/10
  15. Jodha Akbar (8/10)
  16. Chalte Chalte (7.5/10)
  17. Sanju
  18. Dear Zindagi (7/10)
  19. Soni (8/10)
  20. Qarib Qarib Single (8/10)
  21. Jab We Met (8.5/10)
  22. Manto (9/10)
  23. Andhadhun (9/10)
  24. Drishyam (10/10)
  25. Ashoka (8/10)
  26. Dil Se (10/10)
  27. Padman (8.5/10)
  28. Guru (9/10)
  29. Soorma (8.5/10)
  30. Secret Superstar (10/10)
  31. Udta Punjab (8.5/10)
  32. Bhul Bhulaiya (7.5/10)
  33. Naam Shabana (7/10)
  34. Gabbar (7/10)
  35. Rahasya (7.5/10)
  36. Ugly (10/10)
  37. Special 26 (10/10)
  38. Piku (10/10)
  39. Lagaan (9/10)
  40. Tanu Weds Manu (7/10)
  41. PK (9/10)
  42. Pyar ka Punchnama (8/10)
  43. Pardes (7.5/10)
  44. Wake up Sid (8/10)
  45. Haraamkhor (8/10)
  46. Madras Cafe (10/10)
  47. Pink (8.5/10)
  48. B. A. Pass (8/10)
  49. Rustom (9/10)
  50. Kahaani (10/10)
  51. A Wednesday (10/10)
  52. Raman Raghav 2.0 (10/10)
  53. Gurgaon (7//10)
  54. Hum Apke Hain Kon (8/10)
  55. Rajneeti (9/10)
  56. Itefaaq (7.5/10)
  57. Kaho Na Pyar Hay (7/10)
  58. Talvar (10/10)
  59. No One Killed Jessica (8/10)
  60. Haider (9.5/10)
  61. Do Dooni Char (10/10)
  62. Namaste London (7/10)
  63. Oye Lucky Oye (9/10)
  64. Bucket List (7.5/10)
  65. Taare Zameen Par (10/10)
  66. Sarkar (8/10)
  67. Rockey Handsome (7/10)
  68. Khosla ka Ghosla (10/10)
  69. Rang De Basanti (10/10)
  70. Kya Kehna (7.5/10)
  71. Kai Po Che (9/10)
  72. Janne Tu Ya Jaane Na (8.5/10)
  73. Dhobi Ghaat (10/10)
  74. 1000 Rupee Note (10/10)
  75. Laxhmi and Tikli Bomb (10/10)
  76. Ajji (10/10)
  77. Mom (7.5/10)
  78. 7 Khoon Maaf (9/10)
  79. Company (10/10)
  80. I am Kalam (10/10)
  81. Khalnayak (7.5/10)
  82. Taal (8.5/10)
  83. Dev D (10/10)
  84. Guzaarish (8.5/10)
  85. Jalpari (9/10)
  86. Nila (8/10)
  87. Rang Rasiya (7/10)
  88. Socha Na Tha (7/10)
  89. Jal (7/10)
  90. Udaan (10/10)
  91. Toilet: Ek Prem Katha (7.5/10)
  92. Halka (8.5/10)
  93. Yeh Hay Bakrapur (8/10)
  94. Kaun Kitne Paani Meh (8/10)
  95. Waiting
  96. Barfi (10/10)
  97. Chameli (7.5/10)
  98. Madaari (9/10)
  99. Rukh (8/10)
  100. Budhia Singh Born to Run (8/10)
  101. Fashion (7.5/10)
  102. I Am (10/10)
  103. Article 15 (10/10)
  104. Article 375 (10/10)
  105. Padman (9/10)
  106. Kesari (9/10)
  107. Badla (9/10)
  108. Parmanu (9/10)
  109. Kabir Singh (8/10)
  110. Lust Stories (7.5/10)
  111. Stree (8/10)

Indian Series (Hindi)

  1. Ramdev (8/10)
  2. Stories by Rabindranath Tagore (10/10)
  3. Dharmakshetra (9/10)
  4. Buddha (9/10)
  5. Powder (10/10)
  6. Sacred Games (10/10)
  7. Mirzapur (10/10) – (sorry this is in Amazon Prime)
  8. Little Things (9/10)
  9. Yeh Mera Family (10/10)
  10. Selection Day (9/10)
  11. Zindagi Gulzar Hay (Pakistani) (9/10)
  12. Humsafar (Pakistani) (9/10)
  13. Ghoul (7.5/10)
  14. 21 Sarfarosh (7.5/10) (Punjabi)
  15. Raja Rasoi – Docu-series about Indian cuisine
  16. Kissa Currency Ka – Docu-series about Indian currency history
  17. Ladies First – Docu-series on women
  18. Daughters of Destiny – Docu-series
  19. Period – end of sentence – short doc (Oscar winner)
  20. Devlok (docu series about Hindu Gods)
  21. Sunganges (documentary) about Dam projects in India
  22. Bikram, Yogi Guru Predator
  23. Delhi Crime (10/10)

Indian Movies (other than Hindi)

  1. Tope (10/10) – Art Drama – Slow – Bengali
  2. Interrogation (10/10) – Tamil – Drama – Violent
  3. Revelations (10/10) Tamil Drama
  4. Court (10/10)
  5. Nastamarat (10/10) Marathi – Nana Patekar
  6. Gour Hari Dastaan
  7. Pahuna (8/10) – Asamese
  8. Radiopeti (10/10)
  9. Killa
  10. Ringan (10/10)
  11. Bilu Rakkhosh (8/10)
  12. Ottal (10/10)
  13. Sometimes (7/10)
  14. Kalki
  15. Wrong Side Raju
  16. Thithi (10/10)
  17. Samantaral (8/10)
  18. Deool (10/10) (Marathi) (National Film Award – Best Film)
  19. Tukaram (10/10)
  20. Once Again (8/10)
  21. Truckbhar Swapna
  22. Shonar Pahar (10/10) Bengali
  23. Samantaral (10/10) Bengali
  24. Punjab 1984 (9/10) Punjabi
  25. Shonar Pahar (10/10) Bengali
  26. Samantaral (10/10) Bengali – LGBT rights theme
  27. Soorma (9/10) Punjabi

Short Movies

  • Anukul ( Youtube available, about AI Robots in India) (10/10)

International Movies

  • IP Man (10/10) Chinese
  • Pulang (7.5/10) Malaysian

English (series and documentaries)

*— I am including some other Web Apps –*

TVF Series

  • Kota Factory (9/10)
  • Gullak (10/10)
  • TVF Pitchers (10/10)
  • TVF Tripling (10/10)

Zee5 Series

  • Mission Over Mars (10/10)
  • Kaafir (9/10)
  • Rangbaaz (10/10)
  • Broken but Beautiful (10/10)